About Cristal

Driven by a deep love for community, connection, and service…

…Cristal has been in the women's empowerment industry since 2010.  She started out as a consultant with the nation's top sexual health and wellness company, Pure Romance, working her way up to the elite top 10% of the company with the position of Director. Within 13 years of empowering and educating women about their sexual health, she opened the door to hard conversations and gave women a safe space to be seen and heard.  She realized that when like-minded women come together to share and learn in what might seem like a difficult subject, they actually bond and feel more confident and powerful in their own skin.  She even saw herself in many of the women who had embedded doubts and fears about themselves due to circumstances along life's journey.  When the women realized they were not alone in many of the questions and curiosities they had, immediately it was like a veil had been lifted they were hiding behind.  From this experience, Cristal coined the phrase, "Never Walk Alone."

Cristal Marriner - Empowerment Coach

As far back as a young child…

Cristal Marriner - Mindset Coach

…she remembers struggling with the feeling that being loved and your value/worthiness came from strict conditions put in place by others.  Beliefs and taught lessons were not to be questioned, and you definitely didn't discuss your emotions. Children were to be seen, not heard.  You suck it up and keep going.  Or else.  This led to entering adulthood looking to others for validation and assuming their conditions whether they lined up with her own values or not.  It led to living a life filled with trauma and bad choices.  Cristal seldom lived her own truth.  Sound familiar?

In 2001, Cristal was diagnosed with severe anxiety and panic disorder.

This impact caused a huge trajectory shift in her life.  Although she was prescribed medications and received counseling/therapy, she realized something was missing in the healing process.  Information and experiences from those who had been diagnosed with the same mental disorder were lacking.  No one was speaking up and out. She knew there was a stigma around mental health and not a good one. She wanted tools from those who had been there, not just schoolbook knowledge and degrees.  She started searching for books written by others who had experienced this terrifying sickness and near-death experiences. There was an instant commonality and bond between them and suddenly she wasn't alone.  That comfort in itself was more powerful than the medication or therapy but with all three combined together, she found a way to cope, put tools into place shared by others, and was on her way to finding some normalcy back in life.  Cristal said she remembers stopping one day and praying, "Lord, if the reasoning behind me having this mental disorder is to help others, then I want to serve and help others.  I don't want anyone else to walk alone."

Cristal Marriner - North Carolina Speaker

In 2019, Cristal knew she needed to again dive deep…

…even deeper than before, as she felt the familiar feelings creeping up of unworthiness, doubt, and fear.  Life has its way of bringing up unresolved trauma and it was surely rearing its ugly head again. You cannot run fast enough; it will always find you. It was time to get to the root and STOP with the professional running. So, she invested in herself by attending her first women's transformational mindset retreat. This led to her also hiring her own personal mindset coach.  For the next three years, she would invest in herself yearly and attend a R.A.W. Transformational Mindset Retreat. The community and bond she felt being amongst like-minded women, all on their own personal development journey, was so powerful.  She found out quickly that sharing experiences and stories was so healing.  The tools and practices she learned and implemented were exactly what she needed to forgive and heal from her past.  She also found that she has been worthy and valuable since birth, she just had to look inward instead of outward.  She knew there were other women that needed this type of community.  A community where you NEVER WALK ALONE.  And that's when the dream of Unfiltered Together was born.

Cristal Marriner - Women's Coach

In 2023, Cristal created Unfiltered Together.

She knows when you are on a journey of healing and personal development, you need several tools in your toolbox. It's not a one-tool-fits-all world. Her mission has always been to create a safe space for women to be able to let go of all the filters and be authentically themselves. Being vulnerable is sometimes hard but Cristal teaches how vulnerability can be a superpower. She has turned her own past trauma and limiting beliefs into strength and fuel and now helps others reclaim their self-worth and break through barriers that are holding them back from living full out. Through empowerment coaching and women's retreats, Cristal is able to use the powerful principles and tools she was taught to guide women back to their inner compass, their home, their sense of safety and worthiness.

Cristal Marriner - Women's Retreats

Reach out to Cristal